========= Changes ========= - changed function arguments, including add center positions, and put independent variable x as first argument to function from :: def gauss_peak(area, sigma, dx) to:: def gauss_peak(x, area, center, sigma) from :: gauss_step(area, sigma, dx, peak_e) to :: gauss_step(x, area, center, sigma, peak_e) from :: def gauss_tail(area, sigma, dx, gamma) to :: gauss_tail(x, area, center, sigma, gamma) from :: elastic_peak(coherent_sct_energy,fwhm_offset, fwhm_fanoprime, area, ev, epsilon=2.96) to :: elastic_peak(x, coherent_sct_energy, fwhm_offset, fwhm_fanoprime, area, epsilon=2.96) from :: def compton_peak(coherent_sct_energy, fwhm_offset, fwhm_fanoprime, compton_angle, compton_fwhm_corr, compton_amplitude, compton_f_step, compton_f_tail, compton_gamma, compton_hi_f_tail, compton_hi_gamma, area, ev, epsilon=2.96, matrix=False) to :: def compton_peak(x, coherent_sct_energy, fwhm_offset, fwhm_fanoprime, compton_angle, compton_fwhm_corr, compton_amplitude, compton_f_step, compton_f_tail, compton_gamma, compton_hi_f_tail, compton_hi_gamma, area, epsilon=2.96, matrix=False)