Building Scikit-beam and its Subpackages


This page still needs to be adapted from astropy

The build process currently uses the setuptools package to build and install the scikit-beam core (and any affiliated packages that use the template).

Customizing setup/build for subpackages

As is typical, there is a single file that is used for the whole scikit-beam package. To customize setup parameters for a given sub-package, a file can be defined inside a package, and if it is present, the setup process will look for the following functions to customize the build process:

  • get_package_data

    This function, if defined, should return a dictionary mapping the name of the subpackage(s) that need package data to a list of data file paths (possibly including wildcards) relative to the path of the package’s source code. e.g. if the source distribution has a needed data file scikit-beam/wcs/tests/data/3d_cd.hdr, this function should return {'scikit-beam.wcs.tests':['data/3d_cd.hdr']}. See the package_data option of the distutils.core.setup() function.

    It is recommended that all such data be in a directory named data inside the package within which it is supposed to be used. This package data should be accessed via the and functions.

  • get_extensions

    This provides information for building C or Cython extensions. If defined, it should return a list of distutils.core.Extension objects controlling the Cython/C build process (see below for more detail).

  • get_build_options

    This function allows a package to add extra build options. It should return a list of tuples, where each element has:

    • name: The name of the option as it would appear on the commandline or in the setup.cfg file.

    • doc: A short doc string for the option, displayed by build --help.

    • is_bool (optional): When True, the option is a boolean option and doesn’t have an associated value.

  • get_external_libraries

    This function declares that the package uses libraries that are included in the scikit-beam distribution that may also be distributed elsewhere on the users system. It should return a list of library names. For each library, a new build option is created, '--use-system-X' which allows the user to request to use the system’s copy of the library.