This module is for functions specific to mask or threshold an image basically to clean images
(images, bad)¶ Convert the images marked as “bad” in bad by their index in images into a np.nan array
- Parameters
- imagesiterable
Iterable of 2-D arrays
- badlist
List of integer indices into the images parameter that mark those images as “bad”.
- Yields
- imgarray
if image is bad it will convert to np.nan array otherwise no change to the array
(img, r, alpha, bins, mask=None)¶ Generates a mask by identifying outlier pixels in bins and masks any pixels which have a value greater or less than alpha * std away from the mean
- Parameters
- img: 2darray
The image
- r: 2darray
The array which maps pixels to bins
- alpha: float or tuple or, 1darray
Then number of acceptable standard deviations, if tuple then we use a linear distribution of alphas from alpha[0] to alpha[1], if array then we just use that as the distribution of alphas
- bins: list
The bin edges
- mask: 1darray, bool
A starting flattened mask
- Returns
- 2darray:
The mask
(img_shape, edge_size)¶ Mask the edge of an image
- Parameters
- img_shape: tuple
The shape of the image
- edge_size: int
Number of pixels to mask from the edge
- Returns
- 2darray:
The mask array, bad pixels are 0
(images, threshold, mask=None)¶ This generator sets all pixels whose value is greater than threshold to 0 and yields the thresholded images out
- Parameters
- imagesiterable
Iterable of 2-D arrays
- thresholdfloat
threshold value to remove the hot spots in the image
- maskarray
array with values above the threshold marked as 0 and values below marked as 1. shape is (num_columns, num_rows) of the image, optional None
- Yields
- maskarray
array with values above the threshold marked as 0 and values below marked as 1. shape is (num_columns, num_rows) of the image