This module is for Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) imaging based on Fourier shift fitting
(rss, ref_reduction, diff_reduction, start_point, solver='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-06, max_iters=2000)¶ Nonlinear fitting for 2 points.
- Parameters
- rsscallable
Objective function to be minimized in DPC fitting.
- ref_reductionndarray
Extra argument passed to the objective function. In DPC, it’s the sum of the reference image data along x or y direction.
- diff_reductionndarray
Extra argument passed to the objective function. In DPC, it’s the sum of one captured diffraction pattern along x or y direction.
- start_pointlist
start_point[0], start-searching value for the amplitude of the sample transmission function at one scanning point. start_point[1], start-searching value for the phase gradient (along x or y direction) of the sample transmission function at one scanning point.
- solverstr, optional
Type of solver, one of the following (default ‘Nelder-Mead’): * ‘Nelder-Mead’ * ‘Powell’ * ‘CG’ * ‘BFGS’ * ‘Anneal’ * ‘L-BFGS-B’ * ‘TNC’ * ‘COBYLA’ * ‘SLSQP’
- tolfloat, optional
Termination criteria of nonlinear fitting. Default is 1e-6.
- max_itersint, optional
Maximum iterations of nonlinear fitting. Default is 2000.
- Returns
- tuple
Fitting result: intensity attenuation and phase gradient.
(ax, ay, gx, gy, ref_fx, ref_fy, index)¶ Bases:
¶ Alias for field number 0
¶ Alias for field number 1
¶ Alias for field number 2
¶ Alias for field number 3
¶ Alias for field number 6
¶ Alias for field number 4
¶ Alias for field number 5
(ref, image_sequence, start_point, pixel_size, focus_to_det, scan_rows, scan_cols, scan_xstep, scan_ystep, energy, padding=0, weighting=0.5, solver='Nelder-Mead', roi=None, bad_pixels=None, negate=True, scale=True)¶ Wraps lazy_dpc
See docstring for lazy_dpc and reconstruct_phase_from_partial_info for the input parameters for this function and what it returns
(im, roi=None, bad_pixels=None)¶ Sum the image data over rows and columns.
- Parameters
- imndarray
Input image.
- roindarray, optional
[r, c, row, col], selects ROI im[r : r + row, c : c + col]. Default is None, which uses the whole image.
- bad_pixelslist, optional
List of (row, column) tuples marking bad pixels. [(1, 5), (2, 6)] –> 2 bad pixels –> (1, 5) and (2, 6). Default is None.
- Returns
- xlinendarray
The row vector of the sums of each column.
- ylinendarray
The column vector of the sums of each row.
(ref, image_sequence, start_point, scan_rows, scan_cols, solver='Nelder-Mead', roi=None, bad_pixels=None, dpc_state=None)¶ Controller function to run the whole Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) imaging calculation.
- Parameters
- refndarray
The reference image for a DPC calculation.
- image_sequenceiterable of 2D arrays
Return diffraction patterns (2D Numpy arrays) when iterated over.
- start_pointlist
start_point[0], start-searching value for the amplitude of the sample transmission function at one scanning point. start_point[1], start-searching value for the phase gradient (along x or y direction) of the sample transmission function at one scanning point.
- scan_rowsint
Number of scanned rows.
- scan_colsint
Number of scanned columns.
- solverstr, optional
Type of solver, one of the following (default ‘Nelder-Mead’): * ‘Nelder-Mead’ * ‘Powell’ * ‘CG’ * ‘BFGS’ * ‘Anneal’ * ‘L-BFGS-B’ * ‘TNC’ * ‘COBYLA’ * ‘SLSQP’
- roindarray, optional
[r, c, row, col], selects ROI im[r : r + row, c : c + col]. Default is None.
- bad_pixelslist, optional
List of (row, column) tuples marking bad pixels. [(1, 5), (2, 6)] –> 2 bad pixels –> (1, 5) and (2, 6). Default is None.
- Yields
- dpc_statenamedtuple
The internal state that dpc_runner requires for each iteration. Can be passed to reconstruct_phase_from_partial_info which, along with some additional info, will produce the final phase image
- References: text [1]
- 1
Yan, H. et al. Quantitative x-ray phase imaging at the nanoscale by ..
- multilayer Laue lenses. Sci. Rep. 3, 1307; DOI:10.1038/srep01307 (2013).
(gx, gy, scan_xstep, scan_ystep, padding=0, weighting=0.5)¶ Reconstruct the final phase image.
- Parameters
- gxndarray
Phase gradient along x direction.
- gyndarray
Phase gradient along y direction.
- scan_xstepfloat
Scanning step size in x direction (in micro-meter).
- scan_ystepfloat
Scanning step size in y direction (in micro-meter).
- paddingint, optional
Pad a N-by-M array to be a
array with the image in the middle with a (N*padding, M*padding) thick edge of zeros. Default is 0.- padding = 0 –> v (the original image, size = (N, M))
0 0 0
- padding = 1 –> 0 v 0 (the padded image, size = (3 * N, 3 * M))
0 0 0
- weightingfloat, optional
Weighting parameter for the phase gradient along x and y direction when constructing the final phase image. Valid in [0, 1]. Default value = 0.5, which means that gx and gy equally contribute to the final phase image.
- Returns
- phasendarray
Final phase image.
(dpc_state, energy, scan_xstep, scan_ystep, pixel_size=None, focus_to_det=None, negate=True, scale=True, padding=0, weighting=0.5)¶ Using the partial results from dpc_runner, reconstruct the phase image
- Parameters
- dpc_statenamedtuple
The thing yielded from dpc_runner
- energyfloat
Energy of the scanning x-ray in keV.
- focus_to_detfloat
Focus to detector distance in um.
- scan_xstepfloat
Scanning step size in x direction (in micro-meter).
- scan_ystepfloat
Scanning step size in y direction (in micro-meter).
- pixel_sizeNumber, optional
The size of the detector pixels. Pixels must be square. If pixel_size and `focus_to_det are provided, it is assumed that you want to scale the image.
- focus_to_detNumber, optional
The distance from the focal point of the beam to the detector. Must be provided as a pair with pixel_size.
- negatebool, optional
If True (default), negate the phase gradient along x direction before reconstructing the final phase image. Default is True.
- scalebool, optional
If True, scale gx and gy according to the experiment set up. If False, ignore pixel_size, focus_to_det, energy. Default is True.
- paddingint, optional
Pad a N-by-M array to be a
array with the image in the middle with a (N*padding, M*padding) thick edge of zeros. Default is 0.- padding = 0 –> v (the original image, size = (N, M))
0 0 0
- padding = 1 –> 0 v 0 (the padded image, size = (3 * N, 3 * M))
0 0 0
- weightingfloat, optional
Weighting parameter for the phase gradient along x and y direction when constructing the final phase image. Valid in [0, 1]. Default value = 0.5, which means that gx and gy equally contribute to the final phase image.
- Returns
- phasendarray
The final reconstructed phase image.
- amplitudendarray
Amplitude of the sample transmission function.