(x, compton_amplitude, coherent_sct_energy, fwhm_offset, fwhm_fanoprime, e_offset, e_linear, e_quadratic, compton_angle, compton_fwhm_corr, compton_f_step, compton_f_tail, compton_gamma, compton_hi_f_tail, compton_hi_gamma, epsilon=2.96)¶ Model compton peak, which is generated as an inelastic peak and always stays to the left of elastic peak on the spectrum.
- Parameters
- xarray
energy value
- compton_amplitudefloat
area for gaussian peak, gaussian step and gaussian tail functions
- coherent_sct_energyfloat
incident energy
- fwhm_offsetfloat
global fitting parameter for peak width
- fwhm_fanoprimefloat
global fitting parameter for peak width
- e_offsetfloat
offset of energy calibration
- e_linearfloat
linear coefficient in energy calibration
- e_quadraticfloat
quadratic coefficient in energy calibration
- compton_anglefloat
compton angle in degree
- compton_fwhm_corrfloat
correction factor on peak width
- compton_f_stepfloat
weight factor of the gaussian step function
- compton_f_tailfloat
weight factor of gaussian tail on lower side
- compton_gammafloat
normalization factor of gaussian tail on lower side
- compton_hi_f_tailfloat
weight factor of gaussian tail on higher side
- compton_hi_gammafloat
normalization factor of gaussian tail on higher side
- epsilonfloat
energy to create a hole-electron pair for Ge 2.96, for Si 3.61 at 300K needs to double check this value
- Returns
- countsarray
compton peak
- 1
M. Van Gysel etc, “Description of Compton peaks in energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectra”, X-Ray Spectrometry, vol. 32, pp. 139-147, 2003.
(x, coherent_sct_amplitude, coherent_sct_energy, fwhm_offset, fwhm_fanoprime, e_offset, e_linear, e_quadratic, epsilon=2.96)¶ Model of elastic peak in X-Ray fluorescence
- Parameters
- xarray
energy value
- coherent_sct_amplitudefloat
area of elastic peak
- coherent_sct_energyfloat
incident energy
- fwhm_offsetfloat
global fitting parameter for peak width
- fwhm_fanoprimefloat
global fitting parameter for peak width
- e_offsetfloat
offset of energy calibration
- e_linearfloat
linear coefficient in energy calibration
- e_quadraticfloat
quadratic coefficient in energy calibration
- epsilonfloat
energy to create a hole-electron pair for Ge 2.96, for Si 3.61 at 300K needs to double check this value
- Returns
- valuearray
elastic peak
(bin_values, K, M)¶ Gamma distribution function
- Parameters
- bin_valuesarray
bin values for detecting photons eg : max photon counts is 8 bin_values = np.arange(8+2)
- Kint
mean count of photons
- Mint
number of coherent modes
- Returns
- gamma_distarray
Gamma distribution
These implementations are based on the references under the
section of thenbinom_dist()
docstring\[P(K) = \frac{\Gamma(K + M)} {\Gamma(K + 1)\Gamma(M)} (\frac {M} {M + <K>})^M (\frac {<K>}{M + <K>})^K\]
(x, area, center, sigma)¶ 1 dimensional gaussian
- Parameters
- xarray
independent variable
- areafloat
Area of the normally distributed peak
- centerfloat
center position
- sigmafloat
standard deviation
(x, area, center, sigma, gamma)¶ Use a gaussian tail function to simulate compton peak
- Parameters
- xarray
data in x coordinate
- areafloat
area of gauss tail function If area is set as 1, the integral is unity.
- centerfloat
center position
- sigmafloat
control peak width
- gammafloat
normalization factor
- Returns
- countsarray
gaussian tail peak
- 1
Rene Van Grieken, “Handbook of X-Ray Spectrometry, Second Edition, (Practical Spectroscopy)”, CRC Press, 2 edition, pp. 182, 2007.
(x, area, center, sigma, peak_e)¶ Gauss step function is an important component in modeling compton peak. Use scipy erfc function. Please note erfc = 1-erf.
- Parameters
- xarray
data in x coordinate
- areafloat
area of gauss step function
- centerfloat
center position
- sigmafloat
standard deviation
- peak_efloat
emission energy
- Returns
- countsarray
gaussian step peak
- 1
Rene Van Grieken, “Handbook of X-Ray Spectrometry, Second Edition, (Practical Spectroscopy)”, CRC Press, 2 edition, pp. 182, 2007.
(x, area, center, sigma)¶ 1 dimensional lorentzian
- Parameters
- xarray
independent variable
- areafloat
area of lorentzian peak, If area is set as 1, the integral is unity.
- centerfloat
center position
- sigmafloat
standard deviation
(x, area, center, sigma)¶ 1-d lorentzian squared profile
- Parameters
- xarray
independent variable
- areafloat
area of lorentzian squared peak, If area is set as 1, the integral is unity.
- centerfloat
center position
- sigmafloat
standard deviation
(bin_values, K, M)¶ Negative Binomial (Poisson-Gamma) distribution function
- Parameters
- bin_valuesarray
bin values for detecting photons eg : max photon counts is 8 bin_values = np.arange(8+2)
- Kint
mean count of photons
- Mint
number of coherent modes
- Returns
- nbinomarray
Negative Binomial (Poisson-Gamma) distribution function
The negative-binomial distribution function
\[P(K) =(\frac{M}{<K>})^M \frac{K^{M-1}} {\Gamma(M)}\exp(-M\frac{K}{<K>})\]Implementation reference [1]
- 1
L. Li, P. Kwasniewski, D. Oris, L Wiegart, L. Cristofolini, C. Carona and A. Fluerasu , “Photon statistics and speckle visibility spectroscopy with partially coherent x-rays” J. Synchrotron Rad., vol 21, p 1288-1295, 2014.
(bin_values, K)¶ Poisson Distribution
- Parameters
- Kint
mean count of photons
- bin_valuesarray
bin values for detecting photons eg : max photon counts is 8 bin_values = np.arange(8+2)
- Returns
- poisson_distarray
Poisson Distribution
These implementations are based on the references under the
section of thenbinom_dist()
docstring\[P(K) = \frac{<K>^K}{K!}\exp(-<K>)\]
(x, area, center, sigma, fraction)¶ Linear combination of gaussian and lorentzian
- Parameters
- xarray
independent variable
- areafloat
area of pvoigt peak
- centerfloat
center position
- sigmafloat
standard deviation
- fractionfloat
weight for lorentzian peak in the linear combination, and (1-fraction) is the weight for gaussian peak.
(x, area, center, sigma, gamma=None)¶ Convolution of gaussian and lorentzian curve.
- Parameters
- xarray
independent variable
- areafloat
area of voigt peak
- centerfloat
center position
- sigmafloat
standard deviation
- gammafloat, optional
half width at half maximum of lorentzian. If optional, gamma gets set to sigma