This module is for the ‘core’ data types.
(md_dict=None)¶ Bases:
A class to make dealing with the meta-data scheme for DataExchange easier
Getting and setting data by path is possible
>>> tt = MD_dict() >>> tt['name'] = 'test' >>> tt['nested.a'] = 2 >>> tt['nested.b'] = (5, 'm') >>> tt['nested.a'].value 2 >>> tt['nested.a'].units is None True >>> tt['name'].value 'test' >>> tt['nested.b'].units 'm'
¶ Bases:
Custom exception that should be subclassed to handle specific missing libraries
¶ Bases:
A class to make dealing with storing default values easier.
RC params is a hold- over from the UNIX days where configuration files are ‘rc’ files. See
Getting and setting data by path is possible
>>> tt = RCParamDict() >>> tt['name'] = 'test' >>> tt['nested.a'] = 2
(center, shape, pixel_size=None)¶ Make a grid of angular positions.
Read note for our conventions here – there be dragons!
- Parameters
- centertuple
point in image where r=0; may be a float giving subpixel precision. Order is (rr, cc).
- shape: tuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output pixel coordinates. Order is (rr, cc).
- Returns
- agridarray
angular position (in radians) of each array element in range [-pi, pi]
(x, y, nx=None, min_x=None, max_x=None)¶ Bin the values in y based on their x-coordinates
- Parameters
- xarray
- yarray
- nxinteger, optional
number of bins to use defaults to default bin value
- min_xfloat, optional
Left edge of first bin defaults to minimum value of x
- max_xfloat, optional
Right edge of last bin defaults to maximum value of x
- Returns
- edgesarray
edges of bins, length nx + 1
- valarray
sum of values in each bin, length nx
- countarray
The number of counts in each bin, length nx
(range_min=None, range_max=None, nbins=None, step=None)¶ Generate bin edges. The last value in the returned array is the right edge of the last bin, the rest of the values are the left edges of each bin.
If range_max is specified all bin edges will be less than or equal to it’s value.
If range_min is specified all bin edges will be greater than or equal to it’s value
If nbins is specified then there will be than number of bins and the returned array will have length nbins + 1 (as the right most edge is included)
If step is specified then bin width is approximately step (It is not exact due to the nature of floats). The arrays generated by np.cumsum(np.ones(nbins) * step) and np.arange(nbins) * step are not identical. This function uses the second method in all cases where step is specified.
If the set
(range_min, range_max, step)
is given there is no guarantee thatrange_max - range_min
is an integer multiple ofstep
. In this case the left most bin edge isrange_min
and the right most bin edge is less thanrange_max
and the distance between the right most edge andrange_max
is not greater thanstep
(this is the same behavior as the built-inrange()
). It is not recommended to specify bins in this manner.- Parameters
- range_minfloat, optional
The minimum value that may be included as a bin edge
- range_maxfloat, optional
The maximum value that may be included as a bin edge
- nbinsint, optional
The number of bins, if specified the length of the returned value will be nbins + 1
- stepfloat, optional
The step between the bins
- Returns
- edgesnp.array
An array of floats for the bin edges. The last value is the right edge of the last bin.
(input_edges)¶ Helper function for turning a array of bin edges into an array of bin centers
- Parameters
- input_edgesarray-like
N + 1 values which are the left edges of N bins and the right edge of the last bin
- Returns
- centersndarray
A length N array giving the centers of the bins
(image, r_array, pixel_sizes, statistic='mean', mask=None, bins=None)¶ Bin and integrate an image, given the radial array of pixels
- Parameters
- image: np.array
The image in quesion
- r_array: np.array
The array which maps pixel positions to tilt/rotation corrected radii
- pixel_sizes: tuple
The size of the pixels in the same units as the r_array
- statistic: str or func, optional
The statistic to compute over the integration, defaults to mean
- mask: bool array, optional
The array of pixels to be removed from the image before integration
- bins: array, optional
The bins to use in the integration, if none given the function will give its best assessment based on the pixel_size and r_array
- Returns
- bin_centersarray
The center of each bin in R
- int_statarray
Radial integrated statistic of the image.
See also
circularly average an image, assuming linear radial spacing (less general)
(d)¶ Helper function to convert \(d\) to \(q\). The point of this function is to prevent fat-fingered typos.
By definition the relationship is:
\[d = \frac{2 \pi}{q}\]- Parameters
- darray
An array of d (plane) spacing
- Returns
- qarray
An array of q values in the inverse of the units of
(common_ratio, number_of_images, first_term=1)¶ This will provide the geometric series for the integration. Last values of the series has to be less than or equal to number of images ex: number_of_images = 100, first_term =1 common_ratio = 2, geometric_series = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 common_ratio = 3, geometric_series = 1, 3, 9, 27, 81
- Parameters
- common_ratiofloat
common ratio of the series
- number_of_imagesint
number of images
- first_termfloat, optional
first term in the series
\[a + ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ar^4 + ...\]a - first term in the series
r - is the common ratio
(q, img_stack, nx=None, ny=None, nz=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, zmin=None, zmax=None, binary_mask=None)¶ Grid irregularly spaced data points onto a regular grid via histogramming
This function will process the set of reciprocal space values (q), the image stack (img_stack) and grid the image data based on the bounds provided, using defaults if none are provided.
- Parameters
- qndarray
(Qx, Qy, Qz) - HKL values - Nx3 array
- img_stackndarray
Intensity array of the images dimensions are: [num_img][num_rows][num_cols]
- nxint, optional
Number of voxels along x
- nyint, optional
Number of voxels along y
- nzint, optional
Number of voxels along z
- xminfloat, optional
Minimum value along x. Defaults to smallest x value in q
- yminfloat, optional
Minimum value along y. Defaults to smallest y value in q
- zminfloat, optional
Minimum value along z. Defaults to smallest z value in q
- xmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value along x. Defaults to largest x value in q
- ymaxfloat, optional
Maximum value along y. Defaults to largest y value in q
- zmaxfloat, optional
Maximum value along z. Defaults to largest z value in q
- binary_maskndarray, optional
The binary mask provides a mechanism to remove unwanted pixels from the images. Binary mask can be two different shapes. - 1: 2-D with binary_mask.shape == np.asarray(img_stack[0]).shape - 2: 3-D with binary_mask.shape == np.asarray(img_stack).shape
- Returns
- meanndarray
intensity grid. The values in this grid are the mean of the values that fill with in the grid.
- occupancyndarray
The number of data points that fell in the grid.
- std_errndarray
This is the standard error of the value in the grid box.
- boundslist
tuple of (min, max, step) for x, y, z in order: [x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds]
(img, cx, cy, pixel_size_x=None, pixel_size_y=None)¶ Convert the 2D image to a list of x y I coordinates where x == x_img - detector_center[0] and y == y_img - detector_center[1]
- Parameters
- img: `ndarray`
2D image
- cxfloat
Image center in the x direction
- cyfloat
Image center in the y direction
- pixel_size_xfloat, optional
Pixel size in x
- pixel_size_yfloat, optional
Pixel size in y
- **kwargs: dict
Bucket for extra parameters in an unpacked dictionary
- Returns
- xndarray
x-coordinate of pixel. shape (N, )
- yndarray
y-coordinate of pixel. shape (N, )
- Indarray
intensity of pixel. shape (N, )
(value, units)¶ Bases:
¶ Alias for field number 1
¶ Alias for field number 0
(multitau_levels, multitau_channels)¶ Standard multiple-tau algorithm for finding the lag times (delay times).
- Parameters
- multitau_levelsint
number of levels of multiple-taus
- multitau_channelsint
number of channels or number of buffers in auto-correlators normalizations (must be even)
- Returns
- total_channelsint
total number of channels ( or total number of delay times)
- lag_stepsndarray
delay or lag steps for the multiple tau analysis
- dict_lagsdict
dictionary of delays for each multitau_levels
The multi-tau correlation scheme was used for finding the lag times (delay times).
References: text [1]
- 1
K. Schätzela, M. Drewela and S. Stimaca, “Photon correlation measurements at large lag times: Improving statistical accuracy,” J. Mod. Opt., vol 35, p 711–718, 1988.
(iterable)¶ s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), …
(q)¶ Helper function to convert \(d\) to \(q\). The point of this function is to prevent fat-fingered typos.
By definition the relationship is:
\[q = \frac{2 \pi}{d}\]- Parameters
- qarray
An array of q values
- Returns
- darray
An array of d (plane) spacing in the inverse of the units of
(q, wavelength)¶ Helper function to convert q to two-theta.
By definition the relationship is:
\[\sin\left(\frac{2\theta}{2}\right) = \frac{\lambda q}{4 \pi}\]thus
\[2\theta_n = 2 \arcsin\left(\frac{\lambda q}{4 \pi}\right)\]- Parameters
- qarray
An array of \(q\) values
- wavelengthfloat
Wavelength of the incoming x-rays
- Returns
- two_thetaarray
An array of \(2\theta\) values in radians
(center, shape, pixel_size=None)¶ Convert a cartesian grid (x,y) to the radius relative to some center
- Parameters
- centertuple
point in image where r=0; may be a float giving subpixel precision. Order is (rr, cc).
- shapetuple
Image shape which is used to determine the maximum extent of output pixel coordinates. Order is (rr, cc).
- pixel_sizesequence, optional
The physical size of the pixels. len(pixel_size) should be the same as len(shape) defaults to (1,1)
- Returns
- rarray
The distance of each pixel from center Shape of the return value is equal to the shape input parameter
(dist_sample, radius)¶ Converts radius from the calibrated center to scattering angle (2:math:2theta) with known detector to sample distance.
- Parameters
- dist_samplefloat
distance from the sample to the detector (mm)
- radiusarray
The L2 norm of the distance of each pixel from the calibrated center.
- Returns
- two_thetaarray
An array of \(2\theta\) values
(imgs, is_reference)¶ Function to subtract a series of measured images from background/dark current/reference images. The nearest reference image in the reverse temporal direction is subtracted from each measured image.
- Parameters
- imgsnumpy.ndarray
Array of 2-D images
- is_reference1-D boolean array
true : image is reference image false : image is measured image
- Returns
- img_corrnumpy.ndarray
len(img_corr) == len(img_arr) - len(is_reference_img == true) img_corr is the array of measured images minus the reference images.
- Raises
- ValueError
- Possible causes:
is_reference contains no true values Raised when the first image in the array is not a reference image.
(two_theta, wavelength)¶ Helper function to convert two-theta to q
By definition the relationship is
\[\sin\left(\frac{2\theta}{2}\right) = \frac{\lambda q}{4 \pi}\]thus
\[q = \frac{4 \pi \sin\left(\frac{2\theta}{2}\right)}{\lambda}\]- Parameters
- two_thetaarray
An array of \(2\theta\) values
- wavelengthfloat
Wavelength of the incoming x-rays
- Returns
- qarray
An array of \(q\) values in the inverse of the units of
¶ Bases:
A sub-class of dict which raises more verbose errors if a key is not found.
(src_data, center, theta_start, delta_theta, r_inner, delta_r)¶ Implementation of caking.
- Parameters
- scr_datandarray
The source-data to be integrated
- centerndarray
The center of the ring in pixels
- theta_startfloat
The angle of the start of the wedge from the image y-axis in degrees
- delta_thetafloat
The angular width of the wedge in degrees. Positive angles go clockwise, negative go counter-clockwise.
- r_innerfloat
The inner radius in pixel units, Must be non-negative
- delta_rfloat
The length of the wedge in the radial direction in pixel units. Must be non-negative
- Returns
- float
The integrated intensity under the wedge